Dorcas Gage [1582]
(1719-1795) |
Dorcas Gage [1582] 2 3
Daughter of Ebenezer Gage and Dorcas Crowell ![]() Dorcas married Isaac Baker [1371] [MRIN: 610], son of Isaac Baker [1363] and Sarah Rich [1364], on 5 Jul 1739 in Yarmouth, Massachusetts.1 (Isaac Baker [1371] was born in Sep 1709 in Eastham, Barnstable County, Massachusetts 5 6 7 and died on 12 Oct 1795.) |
1 WFT Mayflower Disk I, Dennis Vital Records, p 94, recorded births.
2 Charles T Baker.
3 WFT Mayflower Disk I, Dennis Mass, Vital Records p 94-95. "Isaac Baker and his wife Dorcasthe Births and Names of their Children is as follow[s].
4 The Mayflower Descendant, Vol XIII (1911), pg 255.
5 WFT Vol 3 (Borland), Pedigree 4962.
6 WFT Mayflower Disk I, Eastham and Orlean, Mass, Vital Records p 94 "Isaac Baker son ofIsaac Baker and Sarah Baker was Born at Eastham the September yeAnodom 1709."
(, Vol VIII (1906) Pg 94.
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